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Business Practices in Central and Eastern Europe

Class at Faculty of Education |


1. The Challenge of Globalization Defining Globalization The Proactive Forces Supporting Globalization Global Outsourcing Economies of Scale Movement towards Homogenous Demand Lowered Transportation Costs Telecommunications Global Economic Institutions Government Tariffs and Taxes Anti- Globalization Forces Case 1 - Nationality Problems

2. Globalization and Environment The Major Environmental Challenges Climate Change Clean Energy Demographic Growth World Health problems The Global Waste Poverty & Starvation Case 2 - Countries and Cultural Issues

3. Globalization of Culture What Is the Culture? The Components of Global Culture MNC and World Cultural Market Religions Its Role Case 3 - Joint Ventures Partners

4. Globalization of Economy Commanding Heights in the Global Economy The Global Players in World Economy WTO, IMF, Economic Integrations The Role of the New Emerging Giants China, India, Brazil, Russia Enjoying the Fruits of Globalization- Have and Have- not Nations The Globalization of Finance The Role of FDI- Hanson’s Formula The Social Problems of Outsourcing The Role of MNC Regional Integration and Economic Globalization Global Tourism Case 4 - Airbus- Boeing -Where Are the Czechs

5. Porter’s Diamond Model of Competitiveness Factor Conditions Demand Conditions Related and Supporting Industries Firm Strategy, Structure, and Rivalry The Role of Chance The Role of Governmental Policy The measurement of the Competitiveness The Czech Republic Evaluated by the Model Case 5- Flexit International

6. Business Environment in the Czech Republic About Czech Republic- Facts Privatization Entrepreneurship- Historical Development Macroeconomic Conditions Microeconomics Business Culture Models of Corporate Governance Why to invest in CR Case: Bata- CSR

7. Small Business and Its Performance in the Czech Economy The Definition of SMEs Start ups Support of SMEs by the EU Small Business & E/commerce Marketing Strategy for Competitiveness on the Global Scale Case 6 - Business Plan for Czech Republic

8. Business Activities of MNC in the CR Evolution and Changes of a MNC business activities Positives and negatives of MNC for the small country Corporate Governance Culture and its Effects on Organizations Influence of Culture and Management Styles around the World Staffing Philosophies in the Host Countries Case 7 - Selecting a Manager in the Host Country

9. The Corporate Social Responsibility of MNC The Social Responsibility of Firms Ethics in Business Codes of Conduct Corruption and Its Impact on the Business Culture The Sustainable Development Theory

10. Other Dimensions of the EU Integration and Global Polices International Flows of Humanity Accelerating the Achievement of Social Agendas Managing Transitions


This course is intended as a practical introduction to the nature of global economy and the key forces that drive globalization. The students get a deeper understanding of the global business practices and their influence on the countries’ ability to compete, and become familiar with the basic classification of the world’s economies commercial relations.

The global business creates the opportunities for participation on the global value added chain. The course focuses on economic transformation of the countries, and specifically Czech Republic, from the directive planning into a market economy.

It also addresses business outcomes of the EU membership and integration. The course seeks to find answers to questions such as how to do effectively business in an open economy of a small country as Czech Rep., what its current social and business culture is, and how it managed to incorporate the particulars of the local business etiquette.

It discusses problems and challenges of the individual economies in order to gain understanding of social, political, environmental, cultural and ethical initiatives and obstacles to business growth in volatile and rapidly changing global markets.