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Česká cesta: Czech as a Means of Communication and a Way of Thinking

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Tento text není v aktuálním jazyce dostupný. Zobrazuje se verze "en".Sylabus

Course Schedule:

Week 1 Cizinec na CESTĚ

Personal information. Social rituals and habits.

Czech - My God, what is that? Čeština, český, česky, česká, Češka, Čechy, Čech. /Basic information about Czech grammar./

Week 2 CESTA městem.

Around the town. Information about events and asking for directions.

Notes, signs and posters in town.

Week 3 Na CESTĚ do obchodu.

In a store. Where to get "stuff". Are shopping malls universal?

Week 4 CESTA Evropou.

Where have you been? Activities and verbs. Towns and places. Places in Europe./

Week 5 "CESTA" v restauraci

Restaurant: Dinning, feasting, drinking and eating

Week 6 Budu CESTOvat.

Activities and verbs. What will you do?

To do or to make? Borrow or lend? Czech verbs

Week 7 Na CESTĚ

Post office, station, transport

May I sit in a tram at all?! Being polite.

Week 8 Review

Week 9 CESTA do ČR

Where are you from?

Am I stranger or foreigner? Misunderstanding caused by translation. False friends

Week 10 Rok na CESTĚ


Czech habits and traditions


Verbal aspect. Verbs.

How come they have only 3 tenses? Are they able to express EVERYTHING?!


Typical Czech. Adjectives. Qualities.

"That is typical!" But what does it actually mean?


The same like. - Different from.

The Czech Republic and the U.S.A.

Week 14 Rok na CESTĚ 2.


Czech habits and traditions. 2

Week 15 Review

Tests / quizzes: final orientation test midterm test final semester test occasional quizzes on topics vocabulary / phrases / memory quizzes

Tento text není v aktuálním jazyce dostupný. Zobrazuje se verze "en".Anotace

Česká cesta is a special language course. It is partly a course of language as such, partly a course about Czech language and partly also a course about our ways of thinking, the world of language per se and reflections on English language.

Personal experience with the language and space forms the basis of the syllabus. The course teaches language through comparison, observation and data collection, and requires active involvement from the students.

We will compare Czech and English; observe Czech as a system, living organism, means of communication among Czechs and between Czechs and foreigners. We will observe and analyze the language surrounding us (in various messages, street signs, posters, news, etc.).

Last but not least, we will collect data, and based on them create "memory" of our course and we will trace our language learning and thinking. The syllabus has double structure - first - language as such, syllabus is organized by social situations and lexical topics (incl. grammar) second - thinking about the language, these topics are always connected to general linguistic questions.