- informace o studiu DPS a jeho organizaci, kontrola studia, práva a povinnosti studenta;
- administrativní a organizační záležitosti, zápis (pracovnice studijního oddělení);
- katedra informačních technologií a technické výchovy, oddělení, pracovníci;
- elektronická podpora ve virtuálním vzdělávacím prostředí Moodle;
- zápočty, dílčí zkoušky, závěrečná zkouška, závěrečná práce;
Charles University, division, faculty and other scientific and educational work;
Information about studying DPS and its organization, assessment, student rights and responsibilities;
administrative and organizational matters, write (worker Studies);
Department of Information Technology and Technical Education, Department staff;
electronic support in the virtual learning environment Moodle;
partial exams, final exam, final work;
Charles University, division, faculty and other scientific and educational work;Information about studying DPS and its organization, assessment, student rights and responsibilities;administrative and organizational matters, write (worker Studies);Department of Information Technology and Technical Education, Department staff;electronic support in the virtual learning environment Moodle;partial exams, final exam, final work;
The subject introduction to the study introduces students to the environment in which they will be studying, with the position of the Faculty of Education at the Charles University, organization, study support and learning requirements.