1. Pedagogické teorie (behaviorismus, strukturalismus, konstruktivismus, konektivismus, teorie didaktických situací), Watson, Skinner a další
2. Vývojové teorie - Piaget, Vygotskij, Piagetovy experimenty
3. Teorie inteligence (g-Inteligence, Teorie rozličných inteliencí, fluidní inteligence)
4. Přístupy k vyučování přírodovědných předmětů (induktivní x deduktivní, paradigmatický x narativní, systémový x projektový aj.)
5. Problematika odcizování přírodě a generačních změn (generace Z a alfa)
6. SEVV - viz mapa na Pavučina.cz
7. Propojení s PT environmentální výchova.
\r\n8. Seznámení s literaturou.
Aplikační část
\r\nPostavení přírodních věd v RVP.
Seznámení se se základními didaktickými pravidly a postupy práce s žáky 1. stupně (názor, pozorování, pokus). Dobré otázky. Badatelská metoda. Narativní metoda. Názor, pozorování, experiment, přírodovědné vycházky, naučné stezky, projekty, integrované tématické bloky zaměřené na přírodovědnou oblast, environmentální senzitivita, zákonitosti. Vybavení třídy, vybavení na vycházku. Bezpečnost. Nebezpečí na vycházce a jak jim předcházet.
Bezpečnost práce.
Praktická část
\r\nZkušenosti z výuky.
Basics of didactics and methodology of implementation of science education and environmental education in primary education at all.
\r\nThe theoretical part
First pedagogical theories (behaviorism, structuralism, constructivism connectivism theory of didactic situations), Watson, Skinner and others
2. Developmental theories - Piaget, Vygotsky, Piaget's experiments
3. The theory of intelligence (g-Intelligence Theory variety of intelligence, fluid intelligence)
4. Approaches to teaching science subjects (inductive deductive x, x paradigmatic narrative, System x Project etc.).
5. Problems alienating nature and generational changes (Generation Z and Alpha)
6. Environmental Centres in Czech republic - see map on Pavučina.cz
7. Integration with Environmental Education.
\r\n8. Introduction to literature.
The Application part
\r\nStatus of Natural Sciences in FEP. Learning the basic didactic rules and procedures for working with preschool children (opinion, observation, experimentation). Good question. The research method. Narrative method. Opinion, observation, experiment, nature walks, nature trails, projects, integrated thematic blocks focused on scientific area, environmental sensitivity, patterns. Classroom equipment, equipment for a walk. Safety. Danger to walk and how to prevent them.
Basics of didactics and methodology of implementation of science education and environmental education in primary education at all. The theoretical partFirst pedagogical theories (behaviorism, structuralism, constructivism connectivism theory of didactic situations), Watson, Skinner and others2. Developmental theories - Piaget, Vygotsky, Piaget's experiments3. The theory of intelligence (g-Intelligence Theory variety of intelligence, fluid intelligence)4. Approaches to teaching science subjects (inductive deductive x, x paradigmatic narrative, System x Project etc.).5. Problems alienating nature and generational changes (Generation Z and Alpha)6. Environmental Centres in Czech republic - see map on Pavučina.cz
7. Integration with Environmental Education.
8. Introduction to literature. The Application part Status of Natural Sciences in FEP. Learning the basic didactic rules and procedures for working with preschool children (opinion, observation, experimentation). Good question. The research method. Narrative method. Opinion, observation, experiment, nature walks, nature trails, projects, integrated thematic blocks focused on scientific area, environmental sensitivity, patterns. Classroom equipment, equipment for a walk. Safety. Danger to walk and how to prevent them.Safety.
Fundamentals of Natural Sciences
1. Pedagogical Theories (behaviorism, structuralism, constructivism, connectivism, theory of didactic situations), Watson, Skinner and others
2. Developmental theories - Piaget, Vygotskij, Piaget's experiments
3. Theory of Intelligence (g-Intelligence, Theory of Various Intelligences, Fluid Intelligence)
4. Approaches to the teaching of natural sciences (inductive x deductive, paradigmatic x narrative, system x project, etc.)
5. The Problem of Alienation of Nature and Generation Changes (Generation Z and Alpha)
6. SEVV - see map at Pavučina.cz Position of the natural sciences in FEP PV. To get acquainted with the basic didactic rules and procedures of working with preschool children (opinion, observation, attempt). Good questions. Research Method. Narrative method. Safety. Introduction to Literature. Linking with environmental education.