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Specific Learning Disabilities and Behavioral Disorders

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Tematický plán:

1.    Specifické poruchy učení – úvod

2.    Problematika rozvoje rané gramotnosti

3.    Dyslexie a dysortografie

4.    Dysgrafie

5.    Dyskalkulie

6.    Sociální aspekty SPU

7.    Specifické poruchy chování

8.    Vhodné přístupy k žákům s SPCH


The issue of specific learning difficulties (SLD) in the Czech language in the developmental context will be introduced to the students, emphasising the pattern of particular problems at the elementary school. The consequences of school failure for the child's development (including secondary psychosocial difficulties), for a position in the family, school and peer group, and future professional and social employment will be mentioned.

The primary attention will be paid to individual types of learning difficulties in the Czech language (dyslexia, dysgraphia, dysorthography, dyscalculia) - the clinical picture and diagnosis principles will be described. The issue of specific behavioural disorders (ADHD, ADD) will also be presented in detail.

Attention will be paid to the general principles of the teacher's approach to students with developmental difficutlies and the basic tenets of well-functioning interventions.