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Environmental Education

Class at Faculty of Education |


<span title="1. Základní ekologické a environmentální pojmy a jejich souvislosti.

">1. Basic environmental and environmental concepts and their contexts.2. Development of the relationship of man to nature and the environment. <span title="Globální problémy.

">Global problems.3. Influence of anthropogenic activity on the environment (atmosphere, hydrosphere, pedosphere), joint responsibility for the environment. Voluntary agreements and access to environmental protection. <span title="Vztah stát - průmysl - spotřebitel.

">State - industry - consumer relationship.4. The need for interdependence between ecological thinking and social sciences. <span title="Psychologie a ekologie, vnímání životního prostředí.

">Psychology and ecology, perceptions of the environment.5. Environment as a source of information. Environment and health. <span title="Sociální systém a životní svět, životní prostředí a mezilidské interakce, lidské teritoriální chování, problém přelidnění, ekologická psychologie soukromí.

">Social System and the Living World, Environment and Interpersonal Interaction, Human Territorial Behavior, Overcrowding, Environmental Psychology of Privacy.<span title="6. Stav a problémy životního prostředí v ČR, regionu a místě.

">6. Situation and environmental problems in the Czech Republic, region and place.<span title="7. Životní prostředí a děti.

">7. Environment and children.8. Environmental education - meaning, development, concept, goals; methods, forms and means of environmental education at school and out-of-school.


The aim of the course is to present current global problems of the environment with emphasis on subjective perception of the environment and its effects on human health.