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Environmental science and nature protection

Class at Faculty of Education |


1) Principles and differences among ecology, environmentalism and nature conservation

2) Biota protection, species extinction, zoological gardens, animal welfare

3) Ecosystem services, far trade

4) Danger of invasive alien organisms, examples

5) Depletion of natural sources, world fisheries, aquacultures

6)  Landscape alteration, landscape fragmentation, animal migration

7) Topic problems in landscape protected areas

8) Loss of biodiversity, reintroductions of organisms

9) International environmental agreements, environemantl laws in the Czech Republic

10) Renewable and non-renewable natural sources


Basic principles of ecology, environmentalism and nature protection will be presented and compared. The course includes examples of historical and present human impact on environment (e.g. environmental impacts of agriculture, fishing, irrigation, meat production, palm oil, energy industry, invasive species, coal mining and burning, nuclear power, reservoirs, wind power, light pollution etc.).

Examples from the Czech Republic and in the world are presented.