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Theory of the teaching profession

Class at Faculty of Education |


Professionalization of teaching profession and teacher education. Ours and foreign approaches to teacher quality and professional standard. 

Teaching profession, its transformations and problems. Teaching staff of elementary schools. 

Professional development of teachers and the form of its support. 

Reflective concept of teacher training and work with pedagogical portfolio. Evaluation of the quality of undergraduate teacher training. 


The subject is provided in cooperation with other teachers and external lecturers.

The aim of the subject is orientation of PhD student in the actual issue of teaching profession in the Czech Republic and abroad, in the plain of theoretical backgrounds, research and applications in practise.

Venue: UK PedF, Magdalény Rettigové 4 -Praha 1

Term: winter, summer semester

Application for the course: Applications will be accepted by the course supervisor by 15 November at: The classroom and dates of the meeting will be specified according to the number of registred doctoral students.

Form and extend of teaching: in total 24 hours, i.e. 4 lectures (in total 12 hours) and individual consultation (in total 12 hours)

Students are expected to attend lectures. In case of excused absence, separate completion of the lectured topic is expected.