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Education of pupils with specific learning disabilities

Class at Faculty of Education |


GENERAL QUESTIONS terminological basis - definition of concept specific learning disabilities, manifestation of specific learning disabilities system and causal approach, systemic thinking specific learning disabilities in the context of international comparison etiology of specific learning disabilities and behavioral disorders - disposition causes and environmental impact, detailed analysis of the ADD and ADHD symptoms, deficits of partial functions primary and secondary consequences of specific learning disabilities and behavioral disorders diagnosis and intervention approaches to specific learning disabilities care system for pupils with specific learning disabilities in the Czech Republic inclusive education of pupils with specific learning disabilities, attitudes of pupils to school and learning, educational needs of pupils with specific learning disabilities learning and professional orientation of pupils and students with specific learning disabilities (school, teachers, therapists) manifestations of learning disabilities and behavioral disorders in personality development, adult individuals issue

SPECIALIZATION CIRCUITS the particularities of psychological development of an individual with specific learning disabilities family resilience and the educational impact on a child with specific learning disabilities, parents as partners principles of reeducation care, intervention approaches, alternative methods reeducation dyslexia, dysgraphia, dysortography, dyscalculia and other disorders of specific learning disabilities cognitive processes in the personality reflection of an individual with specific learning disabilities foreign language in the education of pupils with specific learning disabilities strategies and approaches in inclusive education for individuals with specific learning disabilities identifying needs - motivation, coping strategies and success of an individual with specific learning disabilities in the learning process social and cultural needs in individual with specific learning disabilities life removing barriers to school failure, reading and mathematical literacy


The course is focused on issues of intervention, education and diagnostics in individuals with specific learning disabilities and behavioral disorders. Attention will be paid to contemporary world trends, researches and current approaches to individuals with specific learning disabilities within an interdisciplinary context with the aim to apply acquired knowledge to research strategies in education, intervention and support of pupils with specific learning disabilities.

Further link the acquired knowledge to the educational practice using examples of good practice from the international school environment.