1. The perception of the artwork and original descriptions: analytical perception without intention, aesthetic, narrative description
2. Preparation of analyzes: general historiographical and sociological preparation
3. Preparation of analysis: art-historical training
4. Preparation of analyzes: semiotic preparation
5. Preparation of the analysis: archetypical preparation
6. Partial analysis: parametric and tectonic preparation
7. Partial analysis: semantic, content, shape, stylistic preparation
8. Partial analysis: genealogical, genologická, socio-pragmatic preparation
9. Comprehensive description of the work of the creator - an artifact - the recipient
10. A comprehensive interpretation of the work
11. Comparison
12. Critical evaluation
13. Options analysis tracks due to the availability of sources and literature
Subject: Determination of complex analysis as the way-out for pedagogical interpretation of music composition at all educational levels. Setting of phasis, objects and axioms for complex analysis in relation to pedagogical interpretation of music.
Main tasks: complex analysis as the way-out for pedagogical anlysis of music; complex and partial analysis in scientific text; integration of complex analysis results to the cultural context of the composition and music recipient in the frame of pedagogical interpretation