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Healt Support in Pedagogical Theory and Practice

Class at Faculty of Education |


1.      Program documents of WHO and EU dealing with health

-         Health for Everybody in the 21st century - Long-term program improving health of the population in the Czech Republic (Government Resolution 1046/2002)

-         Together for Health: A Strategic Approach for the EU 2008-2013

-         Health 2020: a European policy Framework supporting action across government and society for health and well-being 2.      Assessment of the public health status. Development of comparable health indicators and data collection:

-         Health affecting behavior of people (e.g. data on lifestyle and other health determinants)

-         Occurrence of chronic, serious and rare diseases and ways to monitor them

-         Health care systems (e.g. data on medical care accessibility, quality of care, human resources and financial sustainability of health care systems) 3.      Health and its determinants in the context of pedagogical theory and practice

-         Health literacy

-         Protection of public health

-         Health promoting schools 4.      Essay assignment and related consultation 5.      Essay presentation


Based on the current research outcomes (showing the level of public health), the course presents arguments and need to find ways to promote health. Following the program documents of WHO it analyses determinants of health and identifies main challenges in the field of educational theory and practice.

It presents current conception of health promotion in the introduced curricular documents and in educational programs abroad. It introduces multidisciplinary system of health protection and safety of children.

It draws attention to strategic behavior variability of a manager dealing with health risks, including methods of prevention. In particular, it deals with strategy of managing self-destructive behavior, risk of addiction, lifestyle diseases, stress, hidden forms of violence, abuse, bullying, media manipulation and eating habits damaging health.