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English Literature of the 19th Century

Předmět na Pedagogická fakulta |


1. Pre-romanticism

2. Romanticism - philosophical, socio-cultural and historical background

3. Romantic poetry

4. Romantic fiction

5. Victorianism - philosophical, socio-cultural and historical background

6. Victorian fiction

7. Victorian poetry

8. Literature at the turn of the centuries   Seminars: Poetry - W. Wordsworth - "The World Is Too Much with Us"                                     -"I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud"                                     - "Intimations of Immortality"(extracts)- S. T. Coleridge - "Kubla Khan"- John Keats -"Ode to a Nightingale" (extracts)     (the Victorian poem "Dover Beach" by Matthew Arnold will also be discussed) Novels - Jane Austen - Pride and Prejudice- E. Brontë - Wuthering Heights - Ch. Dickens - Bleak House (extracts)- Thomas Hardy - Jude the Obscure  - Oscar Wilde - The Picture of Dorian Gray


Cílem kurzu je seznámení s reprezentativními díly britského romantismu a viktoriánského románu a rozvíjení schopnosti texty analyzovat a interpretovat.