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Selected Chapters of Literature for Children and Youth

Class at Faculty of Education |

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1. Organizační pokyny.

2. Ch. Nöstlingerová: Franzensgeschichtten; Gedichte von J. Krüss;

3. D. Reiche: Freddy. Das wilde Hamsterleben; Bärenbücher von L. Varvasovszky

4. O. Preußler: Die kleine Hexe (nebo Krabat)

5. A. Steinhöfel: Rico-Romane

6. Michael Ende: Die unendliche Geschichte (nebo Momo)

7. W. Herrndorf: Tschick

8. Mirjam Pressler: Malka Mai (oder Das Buch für Hanna)


The content of the course is literature for children and youth from the last third of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century, especially by authors who gained relevant international awards and whose work have at least partially been translated into Czech. The course will always pay attention to one topic and work according to the participants´ interest.

The starting point will be reading extracts from the work of bellow mentioned authors and reading one more extensive work which will be presented in the group. The focus will lie on prose – the work of Ch.

Nöstlinger or J. Krüss – the only German authors who won the Hans Christian Andersen Award; - on Czech-German cultural relations – the work of Otfried Preußler (e.g. the fairy tales novel The Little Witch, the novel for youth The Curse of the Darkling Mill, and the novel The Flight to Egypt across the Bohemian Kingdom); on novels dealing with the today life of youth and young adults (W.

Herrndorf – Why We Took The Car, T. Bach – Girl from Mars) with the themes of revolt against adults and first love; on novels for older child readers and for youth (A.

Steinhöfel - Rico, Oskar und Tieferschatten, novels with a detective plotline, social drive and humour; - on phantasy represented by the work of W. Hohbein (e.g.

In Search of the Castaways) or M. Ende (e.g.

The Neverending Story); - on anthropomorphized prose represented by the novel series of D. Richie with the title novel Freddy – Ein wildes Hamsterleben or books with bear characters by the Austrian author L.

Varvasovszky; a further topic is a satirical portrayal of today world of children and adults; literature thematising holocaust and Second World War, from which the work M. Pressler will be discussed.

This course is taught in German.