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Musical science at the theoretical level (interpretation) and practical (examples and solutions to specific situations):

1) basic music theory concepts;2) modern diatonic and chromatic scales, ecclesiastical and exotic modalities + their music pedagogical use;3) intervals and their music pedagogical use (within the overview of intonation methods);

4) chords (quinta-chords, septa-chords, non-chords, non-tertiary construction chords);

5) notation (historical and contemporary), rules of modern notation (on the example of writing a folk and artificial song within the author's work);

6) musical ornamentation (historical and contemporary);

7) an overview of the most frequent Italian nomenclature;

8) tuning systems in examples; To a significant extent, space will be devoted to intonation and auditory analysis of these phenomena:

9) scale procedures

10) tonic quinta-chord in combination with scale techniques

11) tertiary steps in combination with tonic quinta-chord and scale procedures


Music Education, especially in the field of scales (diatonic modern and ecclesiastical, exotic, chromatic, intervals and chords of tertiary construction). These phenomena are then closely related to the teaching of intonation (combination of tonal and interval methods), rhythmic training and auditory analysis of horizontal and vertical shifting.

Musicology and its place in the context of music education and music theory disciplines. Tuning systems.

Musical ornamentation. Italian musical nomenclature.

Part of the course is also acquaintance with Internet servers, focused on practicing the above phenomena (scales, intervals, chords), and e-learning support for music education in the Moodle environment.