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Struktura hudby I

Předmět na Pedagogická fakulta |


The course organically combines knowledge about the development of music in historical and form contexts. It is therefore focused on the acquisition of knowledge about the development, laws and features of form construction, about the representation of forms in specific musical works; it is also focused on the practical mastery of the basic building mechanisms of small forms in vocal and instrumental form, in the verification role of theoretical knowledge and in didactic preparation. The presentation of forms is realized in connection with the development of music in art-historical and general historical contexts.

1. Music and genres of antiquity, ancient drama, its role and its modern conception

2. The beginnings of European music, chant, monody, non-periodic formations, fundamental formations of spiritual and liturgical music. The beginnings of folk music, the oldest preserved monuments of Czech music, the form structure of contemporary and contemporary vocal formations, the basics of form construction

3. Knight music, minnesang, musical formations of the epoch, the organic period, Notre Dame, ars antiqua, ars nova. Organum, conductus, motetus, ballata, rondeaux, virelais, chasse, caccia, music of the Reformation, vocal formations of the epoch

4. Renaissance, Dutch schools, canon, madrigal, Italian renaissance, renaissance in Bohemia, literary fraternities, symbiosis of vocal and instrumental music

5. European and Czech Baroque, ricercar, fugue, prelude, toccata, cantata, oratorio, opera, concert, counterpoint variations, types of musical thinking, characters of instrumental music - motif, theme, figure, running, dance suite

6. European and Czech classicism, characters music, new homophonic forms - sonata form, sonata cycle and variants of its cast, variations, serenade, opera

7. Romanticism, national schools, projection of romantic musical thinking into form formations and expressions - absolute and program music - symphony, program symphony, symphonic poem , song forms, problems of form and genre, cycles, dances, suite, vocal formations

8. Impressionism - modal music, formations, Czech expressionism

9. Expressionism - atonal music, serials smus, 2nd Viennese school, Czech expressionism

10. Neoclassicism - extended tonality

11. Stylistic syntheses of contemporary music - tradition and innovation of expression and form

12. Popular music and so-called non-artificial music as a phenomenon of the 20th century