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Educational Counselling

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Sylabus původ a vývoj výchovného poradenství  poradenské pracoviště ve škole pedagogicko - psychologická poradna hlavní úkoly výchovného a vzdělávacího poradenství 

školní poradenství metody a postupy etický kodex kritická místa poradenství hlavní problémy žáků řešené v rámci výchovného poradenství  

Poradenský systém v ČR a zemích EU - co nás spojuje a co rozděluje.


Course Annotation:

The aim of the course is to provide students with information about the origin and development of educational counseling, about the current counseling system and new trends in counseling. Students are acquainted with the professional activities and tasks of individual counseling articles (educational counselor, school psychologist,etc.) and with the most frequently solved problems of elementary and secondary school pupils. Subject topics: • Counseling in the system of psychological disciplines. • Establishment and development of educational counseling in the world and in the Czech Republic. • Current system of educational counseling, legislation, new trends in counseling. • Activities and competencies of individual educational counseling articles: school counseling center: educational counselor, prevention methodologist, school psychologist and school special educator; pedagogical-psychological counseling center, special-pedagogical center, educational care center, institute of pedagogical-psychological counseling, non-profit organizations, pedopsychiatrist and medical facilities. The most common counseling solutions for school age problems: professional choice and choice of educational pathway, developmental learning and behavioral disorders, , neurotic difficulties, aggressive and antisocial behavior, school failure, developmental difficulties,children with special needs. .Cooperation with parents,other teachers and other institutions

The aim is also to compare the counseling system and counseling topics and issues in individual countries of origin of students.