1. Numerals
2. Adverbs. Predicative. Modal expressions.
3. Prepositions. Conjuctions.4. Particles. Interjection.
The aim of this subject is to give a complex view on the morphological system of Russian language in comparison to Czech language. This course pays attention not only to grammatical meaning of words (and word classes) as a system of language devices, but also to their functional characteristics.
Situational context and modern language usage are taken into higher consideration. Basis of word formation, accentology and orthographical phenomena, which are connected with grammatical curriculum of this course, are discussed during the semester.
The conception of seminars is based on lecture materials and set of exercises, text analysis. The students will be taught standard Russian syntactic sentence structure in comparison to Czech language.
Against the backdrop of learning the overall system and the concept of Russian and Czech syntax the emphasis is put on learning the structure of simple sentences containing both subject and predicate or only predicate (with the subject expressed by empty-it). The students will learn to connect the formal aspect of particular sentence types with the semantic and stylistic ones.
They will also learn to use their knowledge of sentence structure with regard to communicative situations and teaching Russian at school requirements.