1. Definitions and principles of cuticular analysis and its history, types of cuticular analysis (mass analysis, fragments analysis, cuticle analysis in situ), anatomical structure of the leaf, cuticle sensu stricto, sensu lato, preparation techniques, peeling method.
2. Terminology: Idiocentric features - thickness, sculpture, papillae; Epicuticular features - normal epidermal cells (outlines, anticlinal wall), types of trichomes and their bases, types of ventricles and their classification (polocytic, tetracytic, paracytic, anisocytic, diacytic, pericytic, desmocytic, copericytic, amphipericytic), hydatodes, hypodermis, idoblasts and internal secretory organs (scleroids, resin channels, secretion reservoirs); Topography: orientation, distribution and density of individual epicuticular features (stomatal density, stomatal index).
3-9. Practical demonstration and description of cuticular structures in selected groups of gymnosperms and angiosperms.
10. Preparation and preparation of permanent preparations.
Lectures: 1. Definitions and principles of cuticular analysis and its history, types of cuticular analysis (mass analysis, fragments analysis, cuticle analysis in situ), anatomical structure of the leaf, cuticle sensu stricto, sensu lato, preparation techniques, peeling method. 2.
Terminology: Idiocentric features - thickness, sculpture, papillae; Epicuticular features - normal epidermal cells (outlines, anticlinal wall), types of trichomes and their bases, types of ventricles and their classification (polocytic, tetracytic, paracytic, anisocytic, diacytic, pericytic, desmocytic, copericytic, amphipericytic), hydatodes, hypodermis, idoblasts and internal secretory organs (scleroids, resin channels, secretion reservoirs); Topography: orientation, distribution and density of individual epicuticular features (stomatal density, stomatal index). Exercises: 3-9. Practical demonstration and description of cuticular structures in selected groups of gymnosperms and angiosperms. 10.
Preparation and preparation of permanent preparations.
The subject has a theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part focuses on a definition of the basic principles of the cuticular analysis, history, and shows a basic overview of the leaf anatomical structure, techniques of preparation and methods of leaf maceration based on use of the evergreen and deciduous leaves.
Basis of the terminology and topography in epidermal characteristics (i.e., idiocuticular and epicuticular features) including a morphological classification of stomata, trichomes and hypodermic objects are presented. The practical part is focused on a demonstration of the main epidermal features mainly by gymnosperms and angiosperms including their detailed scientific descriptions, practical preparation and determination of the modern and fossil samples.