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Identificationof Birds and Mammals

Class at Faculty of Education |


Bird species determination by their songs, determination by binocular in folowing studyareas in Prague; bird determination according their songs: Petřínské sady Praha 1, Klamovka Praha 5, Obora hvězda Praha 6, Hostivické rybníky, Vltava river and wintering watefowl, bird ringing , skull determination in small mammal species, stuffed small mammal species determination.


field studies, birdwatching; bird identification according their songs, seminar works and projects- the list of the bird occurence in study area; skills in treatment (conservation) of bird and mammal cadavers. Teaching aids: bibliography, internet, bird songs record, nets for bird trapping for ringing, MP3 recorder and amplifier, videoprogram, power point, binoculars and scopes;conservated mammal skulls and stuffed bi.rds Evaluation: 80% attendance of lessons to get credit