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Paleoanthropology and Evolutionary Anthropology

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1) Paleoanthropology and evolutionary anthropology, archaeology and Paleoecology, evolutionary anthropology, models primátologie and evolutionary anthropology, fossil evidence of the evolution of higher primates, palaeontological and neontologické documents the importance of genetic studies for evolutionary anthropology.

2) theoretical aspects of the phylogeny of the higher primates and basic adaptive mechanisms, adaptive strategies of higher primates, the life-forms and speciation, basic overview of the phylogeny of primates and the question of the emergence of hominids, Paleoecology, and stratigraphy in fylogenezi primates, the basic environmental events and adaptive and exaptivní radiation and colonization of individual regions in the fylogenezi of higher primates

3) emergence of primates and Primate evolution, phylogeny, Primate in surname, Archiprimates and early primates, the emergence of higher primates-Asian eocéní Anthropoidea-oldest higher primates, the oldest form of Hominoidea, the importance of the site of Fayum, new findings from the Arab Peninsula and South-East Ázie, top-oligocéních, adaptive radiation primates-Parapithecidae and Propliopithecidae, phylogeny, the oldest antropoidních of primates, the emergence of great apes and monkeys, the oldest hominoidi and their adaptive radiation.

4) Evolution of Hominoidea at the turn of the Oligocene and miocénu, fylogenetická the position of the genus Aegyptopithecus, adaptive radiation of Hominoidea in the lower miocénu? Procosulini and Afropithecini, Proconsulinae and Victoriapithecinae-spodně miocéních diversity of primates and the emergence and development of the medium miocénních and adaptive radiation of Hominoidea-size and diversity drhuhová spodně miocénních Hominoidea.

5) Evolution of primates in the Middle miocénu-Kenyapithecus, sivapitéci and? ramapitéci?, Keanyapithecus hominioidů, as the front advanced evolution of Hominoidea in Africa, Asia and Europe-adaptive radiation primates in apparel, miocénu, pliopitéci and oreopithéci, the basic differences between spodně and medium miocéními and top-miocéními hominoidy, fylogenetická sivapitéků, and orangutans, position the new views on the extension and importance in the fylogenezi of primates, such as the ancestor of hominids Ouranopithecus

6) the emergence of advanced Hominoidea, the emergence of hominids, their diversity and the oldest hominids, great apes and the oldest Homininae, the essential characteristics of hominids and hominizačního process, biological mechanisms, biosociální and social factors hominizace, bipední locomotion, its adaptive and ecological importance, ecological models of evolution of hominids.

7) the oldest australopitéci and their first adaptive radiation, the oldest ancestral microorganisms and advanced characters the calcaneus, bipedalism, and encefalizace first the calcaneus, systematics and the extension of the oldest hominids, documents for bipedii and encefalizaci, Orrorin tugenensis and Australopithecus ramidus (Ardipithecus) and their fylogenetická position, the evolution of hominids in the mio-Pliocene and the lower Pliocene. Diversity and adaptation of the archaic calcaneus (a. anamensis, a. afarensic, Kenyanthropus)

8) second adaptive radiation-the emergence of hominids? robust? the calcaneus and the genus Homo ecological and evolutionary hypotheses, the oldest robust australopitéci-Australopithecus aethiopicus, and his fylogenetická position, robust and Gracile australopitéci-similarities differences, the emergence of the genus Homo in the Middle Pliocene, the first kamené, tools, australopitéci and the genus Homo-basic characteristics and differentiation, the root causes and factors of their diversity.

9) phylogeny of the genus Homo-basic characters of the genus Homo and their evolution, the importance of Australopithecus garhi, phylogenetic systematics of early forms of the genus Homo, Homo habilis and Homo rudolfensis, Homo ergaster and Homo erectus, Homo erectus in the lower Palaeolithic period, and its Homo heidelbergensis or differentiation, archaic Homo sapiens, models of the development of the genus Homo-multi-regional and? Out of Africa? models the evolution of body size, proportions and encefalizace in the genus Homo.

10) the evolution of body size and the basic proportions of the early hominids, sexual dimorphism and basic ecological parameters of early hominids, encefalizace and dietary adaptation of early hominids, great apes and monkeys ecology as a model for the reconstruction of the early ecology hominids, the position of hominids in ecosystems in various stages of evolution of hominids

11) apes and hominids, new knowledge about the behavior and social structure of the great apes, the possibility of their use in exploring the evolution of hominids, the analogy between great apes and human biomechanics, morphology, ethology, research on great apes in captivity and in the wild, the ability great apes and the real possibility of a genetic affinity of the great apes and human-specific features of the genome variability of great apes

12) Behavioral Ecology, Paleoanthropology and basic ecological adaptation of hominids, ecological aspects of phylogeny of hominids, adaptive radiation primates in the Pliocene and lower Pleistocene, in primatologické models hominizačního process. The evolution of material culture and its significance, the cultural adaptation of the hominids, synergism factors hominizačního the process of evolution of social behaviour patterns

13) an overview of the theory of the phylogeny of hominids, fylogenetická systematics and evolutionary versus theory, new views on the origin and development of early hominids, theoretical views on the causes of the emergence and evolution of the genus Homo, evolutionary anthropology and molecular anthropology evidence of the evolution of hominids. The colonization of the world the hominids-kolonizačních each stage of waves, biogeography colonization and diversity of hominids and paleontological papers, perspectives of evolutionary anthropology, and paleoanthropology.

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Evolutionary anthropology part provide theoretical information on primate phylogeny with a special regard to hominid evolution and fossil evidence on evolution of individual primate groups. In paleoanthropology part a special attention is paid to fossil evidence of origin and evolution of primates, hominoid evolution, hominine phylogeny, evolution of genus Homo and its species, biological and cultural diversification of Homo sapiens from Paleolithic till Neolithic. Paleobiogeographical and paleoecological aspects of primate evolution will be explained for individual parts of primate phylogeny.

The seminars are in the introductory parts focused on evolutionary and problems of recent paleoanthropology. This part provides theoretical information on primate phylogeny with a special regard to hominid evolution and fossil evidence on evolution of individual primate groups. In paleoanthropology part a special attention is paid to fossil evidence of origin and evolution of primates, hominoid origins and evolution, hominine phylogeny including basic fossil evidence of early homine evolution and origin and evolution of genus Homo and its species. Paleobiogeographical and paleoecological aspects of primate evolution will be explained for individual parts of primate phylogeny.A review of evidence of biological and cultural diversification of Homo sapiens from Paleolithic till Neolithic should give studens a powefull knowlege for undestanding of the origin of recent human populations. This part includes basic paleogenetic evidence for evolution middle and upper Pleistocene forms of Homo sapies. A special attention will be paied to explanation of hominid evolution events that are important for teaching paleoanthropology and human evolution in schools.