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Protected and Ecologically Remarkable Areas in the Czech Republic

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1/ Principles of nature conservation in the Czech Republic, state institutions and agencies 2/ The history of nature conservations in the Central Europe 3/ General and speciial nature landscape protection, Act no. 114/1992 Coll., on Nature and landscape protection, Executive Regulation no. 395/1992 Coll. 4/ Protected areas (national parks, protected landscape areas, national nature reserves, natural reserves, national nature monuments, nature monuments) 5/ Other protected parts of landscape 6/ Natura 2000 network, Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species– CITES, protected animals, mashrooms and plants  7/ International relations in nature protection

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Students will be informed about the aims and principles of nature conservation and landscape protection in the Czech Republic. Specially Protected Areas (National Parks and Protected Landscape Areas) and examples of the most important National Nature Reserves, Nature Reserves, National Natural Monuments, Natural Monuments, memorable trees and notable landscape features will be presented. Basic statutory instruments (laws and public notices) with respect of nature conservation will be mentioned.

The methods for special protection of rare and endangered species (e.g.Natura 2000) will be discussed.