· Výměny poloh.
\r\n· Vibrato.
\r\n· Tvoření tónu.
\r\n· Smyky, jejich rozdělení, praktická aplikace.
\r\n· Prstoklad.
\r\n· Specifické techniky – trylky, pizzicato, flažolety.
\r\n· Hra stupnic a akordů.
\r\n· Dvojhmatová a akordická hra.
\r\n· Basic prerequisites for violin playing.
\r\n· Position.
\r\n· Holding a violin.
\r\n· Holding the loop.
\r\n· Right hand and arm function.
\r\n· Left hand and arm function
\r\n· Methodical procedure in the early days of teaching the violin.
\r\n· Intonation in a violin game
\r\n· Rhythm in a violin game.
· Position Exchange.
\r\n· Vibrato.
\r\n· Tone creation.
\r\n· Shearers, their distribution, practical application.
\r\n· Fingering.
\r\n· Specific techniques – trylky, pizzicato, Flažolets.
\r\n· Game of scales and chords.
\r\n· Two-hapical and chord play.
Effective ways of practicing
\r\nReading and understanding of the score
\r\nControl of the sound and expression
\r\nDevelopment of technique
· Basic prerequisites for violin playing.
· Position.
· Holding a violin.
· Holding the loop.
· Right hand and arm function.
· Left hand and arm function
· Methodical procedure in the early days of teaching the violin.
· Intonation in a violin game
· Rhythm in a violin game.
· Position Exchange.
· Vibrato.
· Tone creation.
· Shearers, their distribution, practical application.
· Fingering.
· Specific techniques – trylky, pizzicato, Flažolets.
· Game of scales and chords.
· Two-hapical and chord play.
Effective ways of practicing
Reading and understanding of the score
Control of the sound and expression
Development of technique
The aim of the subject is to obtain an elementary overview of the field of piano methodology and understanding patterns and relations of the development of the field.
The course focuses on the issue of various aspects of violin playing from the perspective of contemporary violin pedagogy. He is engaged in methodical and didactic procedures in teaching the violin during the entire study of the pupil of the school.
The seminar is to familiarize with the problem of violin playing in teaching at the school, shaping the students ' own views on the topics discussed and discussing the possibilities of practical use of the lessons learnt.