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Praktický jazyk k úrovni C1+

Předmět na Pedagogická fakulta |


The aim of the course is further development of the key language skills of students at the C2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The course focuses on language accuracy and complexity, the vocabulary is enhanced systematically, including collocations, idioms and abstract terms. Grammar is presented to students as a system, including some of its less frequent features which occur in the texts.

Topics: 1.Safety and Danger, Phobias, Ways of Looking 2.Past Modals – Epistemic Modality, Sentence Adverbs, Collocations 3.Health and Lifestyle, Illness and Injury 4.Defining and Non-defining Clauses, Reduced Clauses 5.Science and Technology, Related vocabulary 6.State vs. Dynamic verbs, Progressive Aspect 7.Law and Order, Crime Vocabulary and Dependent Prepositions 8.Gerunds and Infinitives, Ways of Speculating