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Integral Anthropology III

Class at Faculty of Education |


The course provides an overview of basic knowledge of contemporary social and cultural anthropology, deals with the development, structure and functioning of socio-cultural systems in the past and today. Attention is focused on a thorough definition of the terms society, culture, subculture, counterculture in the context of human sciences. Furthermore, selected cultural elements, artifacts, regulations and ideas that facilitate the grasp of culture and society within the social-scientific discourse are analyzed. The aim of the course is to lay the foundations of social and cultural anthropology necessary for the systemic conception of man in modern pedagogy in connection with the basics of biological anthropology. Content definition:

1. Social and cultural anthropology in the system of anthropological disciplines.

2. Basic terminological apparatus of social and cultural anthropology.

3. Man and culture, problems of subcultures and countercultures.

4. Man and language.

5. Man, cult and ritual.