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Základy didaktiky pedagogiky II

Předmět na Pedagogická fakulta |


The course is related to optional internships in bc study (lecturer, leisure facilities, orientation), is focused on teaching cross-sectional topics of the FEP. If possible, it is taught in cooperation with organizations operating in the field of teaching current social topics. Students will model the prepared lessons on given topics both in the role of a student and in the role of a lecturer. Objective of the course in terms of learning outcomes and competences

1. Current social topics in the school curriculum.

2. External entities involved in the education of cross-cutting FEP topics in the school environment.

3. Promoting environmentally responsible behavior: teaching materials and activities.

4. Global development education: teaching materials and activities.

5. Multicultural education: teaching materials and activities.

6. Development of media literacy: teaching materials and activities.

7. Personality and social education, the concept of social literacy.

8. Selected teaching materials and their model use in the role of students.

9. Selected teaching materials and their model use in the role of lecturers.

10. Analysis of teaching materials and educational strategies, reflection of practical experience.