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Efektivní učení

Předmět na Pedagogická fakulta |


The course introduces research-proven principles of effective learning. It offers diagnostic tools for learning styles, brings professionally substantiated techniques for improving the learning process. Students are guided to use effective learning techniques in their role as a university student and future teacher. Aims: Students explain the structure of memory and the causes of forgetting, give examples of how to improve the process of understanding and remembering, explain individual differences in learning styles. They use selected techniques of effective learning in their own study activities, they clarify the related professional justifications.

1. Effective learning: professional background and information sources.

2. Individual styles of learning and cognition, their diagnosis and importance for learning.

3. Attention and memory, consequences for learning, attention and memory training.

4. Thought scheme and pre-orientation in content, creation of thought representations.

5. Multisensory learning: research, meaning, examples.

6. Experiential learning: theoretical models and their critique, application in practice.

7. Means for memorizing and retrieving information. Techniques for taking notes in teaching. Visualization of curriculum content.

8. Motivation in learning, attribution theory and mindset, application in practice.

9. Psychohygiene of learning, procrastination and time management.

10. Analysis of key competencies of framework educational programs in terms of principles of effective learning.