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Continuous Teaching Practice at Upper Secondary School with Reflection

Class at Faculty of Education |


The aim of the cours is to enable the students to apply their own knowledge from the area of subject didactics and furter develop their ability to to analyze the gained experience. The teaching practice involves observations within the lessons of individual student´s mentor´s lessons, peer observations, but mainly the student´s own independent teaching. After finishing the teaching practice at schools its reflection continues within reflective seminars.

Topics: 1 specific aspects of teaching English at secondary schools 2 curricular documents used at the schools of secondary level of education = Framework Educational Programme for Gymnázia and School Ecucational Programmes of each individual school 3 planning lessons at secondary schools and their realization 4 follow-up reflection of the teaching experience and identification of both strong as well as teak aspects of each student´s teaching + giving them the space for further development 5 developing the ability to transform the gained experience into practice