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Seminář integrální antropologie I

Předmět na Pedagogická fakulta |


The course presents selected groups of contemporary alternative religiosity, the circumstances of the emergence of individual religious groups, the personalities of the founders (their life and work). It is possible to discuss the basic philosophies of individual movements and the way of life of their members. As part of the seminar, it is also possible to take part in selected events organized by some religious societies, which makes it possible to gain subsequently reflected personal experience when meeting their followers. As a result of the seminar, the dangers that may be endangered to adolescents in this context are discussed, and procedures are proposed that can contribute to the protection of young people from the influence of sectarian behavior. The aim of the course is to provide insight into the issues of the so-called new religious and parano-religious directions in comparison with classical religion. Content definition:

1. New religious movements with a Christian background (Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, moonists).

2. Movements with a Hindu background (Hare Krishna, Sri Chinmoy, Sahaja Yoga, Rajneesh Osho, etc.).

3. Movement with the background of Buddhism, Islam.

4. Movement with esoteric and occult background (Grail message, Satanism, etc.).

5. The danger of psycho-cultes (Scientology, etc.) for contemporary youth.