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Didaktika pedagogických věd III

Předmět na Pedagogická fakulta |


The course cultivates didactic thinking and didactic skills. It focuses on the issue of creating thematic plans and analysis of the school curriculum in the field of teaching pedagogical sciences, points to the broader context of teaching. Aims: Students will demonstrate the ability to plan the teaching of pedagogical subjects, document model thematic plans, analyze SEP, demonstrate knowledge of the possibilities of school cooperation with external entities in the Czech Republic and abroad. Content definition:

1. Methodology of creating thematic curriculum plans.

2. Analysis of the school educational program, practical examples.

3. Analysis of school needs, model examples and reflections.

4. Planning of educational and upbringing activities.

5. Evaluation of quality and effectiveness of education.

6. Educational content of pedagogical subjects, key competencies and cross-sectional topics.

7. Teaching current social topics, school cooperation with external educational institutions.

8. Update of educational content, model demonstrations and reflections.

9. Pedagogical sciences in the curriculum of schools abroad, selected examples.

10. Possibilities of foreign cooperation, eTwinning and mobility.