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Adult Education

Class at Faculty of Education |


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Úprava předmětu OINQ3P036B, akademický rok 2020/2021Monika Kadrnožková - Pondělí 26. října 2020, 4. výukový týden (sudý)

Role: Tajemník tajemníků, [41-STUD], [OX], PedF

Pedagogická fakulta 59:56

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Adult Education - OINQ3P036B - Anotace, čeština (Viditelné pro pro všechny) [2020 - 9999]

The subject offers orientation in the basic content and theoretical delimitation of adult education, introduces the basis for understanding of lecturers and participants of education. It deals with the analysis of practical experience with various teaching forms and methods in adult education.

Students demonstrate knowledge of the context of adult education in the Czech Republic. They prove their understanding of the specific characteristics of participants and trainers of adult education, acquire selected methods of adult education. 1. Adult education, basic terms and definitions, andragogy, lifelong learning. 2. Formal, non-formal and informal education. Professional base and andragogical research. 3. Maturity and different approaches to its definition. Specific forms of adult education realized in different periods of life. Linking initial and further education. 4. Types and areas of further education (civic, leisure, professional). Adult education institutions such as private organizations, businesses, schools, NGOs. 5. Instructor of further education, personality requirements, competence, qualification standard. 6. Participant of adult education, its educational needs and motivation, diagnostics of approaches to learning. Typology of problem participants and communication with them. 7. Pedagogical-psychological bases and specifics of adult education. 8. Specific methods of adult education, didactic principles. Adult games. 9. Internet resources in adult education, MOOC, online courses, benefits and limits analysis. 10. Model situations in adult education, their reflection and analysis.

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