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Vzdělávací politika

Předmět na Pedagogická fakulta |


The course acquaints with the functioning of educational policy, allows insight into selected problems of educational policy and acquaintance with the possibilities to actively participate in the formation of educational policy (practically on the example of involvement in the discussion of a selected problem). The aim of the course is to introduce students to the issues of educational policy in the domestic and international context.

1. Educational policy as a discipline and various approaches to the analysis and creation of educational policy.

2. Actors of educational policy, institutions in the Czech Republic that participate in the creation of strategies and educational policy in individual areas (departmental workplaces of the Ministry of Education, etc.)

3. Internationalization of educational policy, the role of international and supranational organizations (EU, OECD, UNESCO, etc.) , international research (PISA, TIMSS, PIRLS, TALIS, etc.) and scenarios of the School of the Future (OECD Schooling for Tomorow).

4. Documents of educational policy and various conceptual documents, plans of education reforms from 1989 to the present (conceptual documents until 2001, Lifelong Learning Strategies, Long-term plan of the Ministry of Education, Long-term plans of regions, etc.).

5. Evaluation of the development of education and educational policy in the Czech Republic from 1989 to the present.

6. Structural changes in education - new institutions (colleges, lyceums, multi-year grammar schools) and quantitative development of the share of pupils in different types of study (share of pupils in different types of study. Structural problems and openness of access to universities. Demographic development of the population and its impact on education and the structure of the school system

7. Developments in the field of monitoring and evaluation of educational results - testing of pupils in primary schools and discussions on their introduction, state school-leaving examinations, school self-evaluation and the role of school inspection. , etc.

8. Results of pupils 'education in the Czech Republic What are the trends in pupils' education in the Czech Republic Results of international research (PISA, TIMSS, CivEd), but also domestic surveys (eg SCIO). the decline of the nation's education and the findings of research in this area. years of grammar school and selective schools. Indicators of educational justice, comparison with the international context.

10. Development of content and goals of education (curriculum): school curricula and Framework educational programs, advent of key competencies, comparison with development in Europe.