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Didactics of Art Education IV

Class at Faculty of Education |


Theory IV:

Evaluation as a means, task and target of Art education. Substance of evaluation, its specialness and kriteria. Priciples of pedagogical interpretation of chidrens´ art. Art education with special orientation .


To form assesment criteria in real situation and Art education tasks.

Theory V:

Scientific interest about children´s art. Opinions evolution of educational influence of the Fine Art. Reflection in art education pedagogy and conception art education as a part of general education. Important periods and persons.


Detection and explaining of relations of last conceptions art education and its present theory and praktice. Use for solving and prevention of present problems in art education.( exaples).


Abstrakt IV

Evalution and asseessment in art education : Specific psycho-didactic features of evalution in art education in Kindergarten.

Kinds, methods and criteria of assessment .

Introduction in art education for children with special needs : Children´s art as a starting point of pedagogical diagnostics, problematics of its interpretation. Abstrakt V :

Critical reflecting children´s art and its role in the systems of general education: Historical and contemporary view, social and cultural contexts. Reconceptions in art education.