1. Vstup do didaktiky matematiky, vyučování orientované na budování schémat, edukační styly učitele
\r\n2. Budování představ o čísle, percepce málopočetných množin - sémantické modely čísla, sématické ukotvení čísla, rytmus
\r\n3. Aditivní operace. Paměťové počítání, singelton, písemné algoritmy, sémantické modely. Řešení a tvorba slovních úloh. Rozklad slovní úlohy do vrstev. Antisignál. Lokalita žákovy chyby. Slovní úloha jako diagnostický nástroj
\r\n4. Multiplikativní operace
\r\n5. Záporná čísla a zlomky. (když zbyde čas)
1. Image of natural numbers (state, magnitude, address, operator). Different semantic types of addition/subtraction.
2. Conceptualisation of process, procept. Perception of number. Big numbers. Rhythm. Regularities.
\r\n3. Additive operations. Mental characteristics of drill. Automatisation. Mental calculations, written algorithms, semantic models.
\r\n4. Multiplicative operations.
\r\n5. Whole and part; unit fraction, fraction, decimal number, percent. Negative number. (if we have time)
1. Image of natural numbers (state, magnitude, address, operator). Different semantic types of addition/subtraction.
2. Conceptualisation of process, procept. Perception of number. Big numbers. Rhythm. Regularities.
3. Additive operations. Mental characteristics of drill. Automatisation. Mental calculations, written algorithms, semantic models.
4. Multiplicative operations.
5. Whole and part; unit fraction, fraction, decimal number, percent. Negative number. (if we have time)
The course is focused on the preparation of students (theory) for their teaching practice in the domain of teaching mathematics. The students get various mathematical topics in which they develop not only mathematical but also didactic abilities, formulating new problems, discussing difficulties of problems for pupils and creating cascades of problems.
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