Výtvarná výchova v kontextu kulturního vzdělávání: vazby vzdělávacích a kulturních institucí. Plánování výtvarných řad a projektů, učivo Vv, RVP ZV, hodnocení ve Vv, reflektivní praxe.
* Syllabus:
* Visual and cultural literacies as basic professional competencies of an art education teacher. Artwork in the culture and in the educational situation. Art education in the context of cultural education: relationship between educational and cultural
institutions. Projecting of units and projects at school, content of Art Education, curricular documents in the domain of Art Education, evaluation, reflective practices.
* Syllabus: * Visual and cultural literacies as basic professional competencies of an art education teacher. Artwork in the culture and in the educational situation.
Art education in the context of cultural education: relationship between educational and cultural institutions. Projecting of units and projects at school, content of Art Education, curricular documents in the domain of Art Education, evaluation, reflective practices.
Visual and cultural literacies as basic professional competencies of an art education teacher. Artwork in the culture and in the educational situation. Art education in the context of cultural education: relationship between educational and cultural institutions. Projecting of units and projects at school, content of Art Education, curricular documents in the domain of Art Education, evaluation, reflective practices.