1. Introduction to the subject-the current legislation, RVP ZV.
2. The history of the EE-history of EE in the world, the history of the EE in the Czech Republic-EE, the Veterans of the Centre.
3. The network of centers of EE in the Czech Republic.
3. The objectives of the EV.
4. The methods of work in EV-informal learning, work with natural materials, the narrative method.
5. The projects (examples).
6. Zooasistence.
7. Forest pedagogy.
8. The quality and efficiency of EV-instruments for evaluation, for example. Tests \"Ekogramotnost\" (MSELI, NEP), IAT-method of implicit associations, etc.
1. Introduction to the subject-the current legislation, RVP ZV.2.
The history of the EE-history of EE in the world, the history of the EE in the Czech Republic-EE, the Veterans of the Centre.3. The network of centers of EE in the Czech Republic.3.
The objectives of the EV.4. The methods of work in EV-informal learning, work with natural materials, the narrative method.5.
The projects (examples).6. Zooasistence.7.
Forest pedagogy.8. The quality and efficiency of EV-instruments for evaluation, for example.
Tests "Ekogramotnost" (MSELI, NEP), IAT-method of implicit associations, etc.
The meaning and objectives of the environmental education (EE). Historical and sociological background of the green movement. Legislation of EE and sustainable education. Recommended expected EE outputs. Goals of EE). Czech network of Czech Environmental Education Centers (it´s name Pavučina ) and offer for kindergarten teachers. Non-formal education. Methods, eg projects, work with natural material, narrative method, forest pedagogy, zoo-physiotherapy and zoo-assistance and others. Environmental role in EE. Evaluation of EE.
Examples of Good Practice.