Obsah: Základní principy a tendence umění starověku a středověku - umění bydlet, vztah k posvátnému, zobrazující a nezobrazující tendence, plasticita sochařského díla.
Klíčová slova: výtvarné umění, starověk, středověk, zobrazující a nezobrazující tendence, bydlení, posvátno, malba, sochařství, architektura.
Claim to EX: Analysis of concrete artwork in their complexity and contradictions. A possibility to dispute with examinator.
Contents (syllabus): Main principles in the ancient and medieval visual arts - the solution of dwelling problems, space, a relationship to sacrality, figurative and non-figurative painting, plasticity of sculpture.
Keywords: the visual arts, ancient, medieval, space, plasticity, sacrality, painting, scultpture, architecture.
Claim to EX: Analysis of concrete artwork in their complexity and contradictions. A possibility to dispute with examinator. Contents (syllabus): Main principles in the ancient and medieval visual arts - the solution of dwelling problems, space, a relationship to sacrality, figurative and non-figurative painting, plasticity of sculpture. Keywords: the visual arts, ancient, medieval, space, plasticity, sacrality, painting, scultpture, architecture.
Prehistoric art and the art of early civilization. Religion as a unifying principle of artistic making. Antique art as a cnotrasting principle influencing a process of art development from Hellenistic and Roman period to the end of high medieval period. Gothic art as the first specific european style.
Results of education: Basic principles, tendencies, key evolution points of ancient and medieval visual arts.