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Theory and didactics of preschool education I

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Témata: 1) Charakteristika současné rodiny, její struktura, význam, funkce, vývojový cyklu. 2) Geneze cílů, cíle výchovy v osobnostně orientovaném modelu, náhled na taxonomii vzdělávacích cílů. 3) Kurikulum předškolního vzdělávání, východiska pro jeho realizaci: - rámcové cíle, klíčové kompetence, dílčí cíle a očekávané výstupy; - organizace a podmínky vzdělávání v prostředí mateřské školy a rizika s nimi spojená.


The aim of the course is to gain a basic orientation in the key concepts of preschool pedagogy. The content of the lectures is an introduction to the definitions, internal structure, meaning, functions and development cycle of the family, the characteristics of the contemporary Czech family and its demographic background.

Attention will be paid to the child in the contemporary world, the typology of the child and the theory of multiple intelligences. The aim of the course is also orientation in the main curricular document - the Framework Educational Programme for pre-school education.

Attention is paid to the concept of preschool education in the present day - personality-oriented preschool pedagogy. The objectives, conditions, organisation and content of pre-school education, the basis for its implementation and the specification of target competences in the RAP PV are discussed.

Students gain insight into the current position of the child in our society, education in the family and in institutional care. They will be able to characterize the personality-oriented model of pre-school education, orient themselves in the current goals and objectives of pre-school education formulated in the RVP PV, they will be able to observe and assess the suitability of the conditions and method of organization of the day and work with an age-homogeneous and heterogeneous group of children in the kindergarten environment.

They will be able to link theoretical knowledge with their practical experience. Students will also be supported to enter the theoretical contexts and prepare for further study through videos and case studies available in the course on Moodle (Fund F).

Topics: 1) Characteristics of the contemporary family, its structure, meaning, function, developmental cycle. 2) Genesis of goals, goals of education in the person-centred model, insight into the taxonomy of educational goals. 3) Curriculum of preschool education, background for its implementation: - framework goals, key competences, sub-goals and expected outcomes; - organisation and conditions of education in the kindergarten environment and risks associated with them.