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Observational and Assistant Teaching Practice with Seminar

Class at Faculty of Education |

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1) Pozorování dítěte: reflexe jeho situovanosti v současnosti, v současné rodině a mateřské škole

2) Reflexe charakteristik cílů výchovy v osobnostně orientovaném modelu v kontextu konkrétních zkušeností studenta z praxe v FMŠ.

3) Reflexe práce pedagoga s RVP PV v oblasti cílů, organizace a obsahu vzdělávání v prostředí mateřské školy.

4) Reflexe vlastní pedagogické zkušenosti z praxe ve fakultní mateřské škole: interakce s jednotlivými dětmi, s menší/větší skupinou, přípravy a realizace mikrovýstupů, interakce s dalšími pedagogy ve třídě, s rodiči.

5) Reflexe rozmanitosti podmínek, organizace i vlastních edukačních procesů v jednotlivých fakultních mateřských školách.


Teaching practice is a continuation of the introductory practice. During the course, students complete a two-week teaching practice at the faculty's pre-school and reflect on their experience in a joint seminar.

The aim of the internship is a deeper acquaintance with the kindergarten environment, especially with the work of the teacher and the activities of preschool children. The content of the internship has a hospitality level: observing and analyzing educational processes in the kindergarten, as well as a practical level: students perform assisting activities in the classroom under the guidance of the faculty teacher, interacting with the children.

The course is linked in content with the theoretical course Theory and Didactics of Preschool Education I. Students therefore focus on the concrete implementation of selected topics in practice.

Students continue to maintain a teaching portfolio. Topics. 4) Reflection of own pedagogical experience of practice in a faculty pre-school: interaction with individual children, with small/large group, preparation and implementation of micro-outcomes, interaction with other teachers in the classroom, with parents. 5) Reflection on the diversity of conditions, organization and own educational processes in individual faculty pre-schools.

Requirement for students without experience in kindergarten as a teacher or teaching assistant: 2 weeks of continuous practice (min. 40 hours in total): 1 week 18.4.-22.4.2022 (2nd week in the block of the student's choice) in the FMŠ Requirement for students with experience in pre-school as a teacher or teaching assistant: 1 week of practice (min. 20 hours) in the time of the student's choice during the summer semester.