Physics of current conduction in vacuum and in the solid phase, band diagram, semiconductors
Passive and active electronic components (resistors, capacitors, inductors - marking, parameters, Zener diodes, tunnel and Schottky diodes, light-emitting diode, bipolar and unipolar transistors, photodiodes, phototransistors, operational amplifiers - properties and characteristics)
Power sources, voltage doublers and multipliers. Voltage regulators / stabilizers and their connection / circuits
Bipolar transistor: basic structure, principle of power amplification, requirements, basic connections, substitute circuits, operating points
Unipolar transistors JFET, MOSFET. Principles of operation, basic connections, working points
Multilayer switches: diac, thyristor, triac. Their characteristics, applications
Rectifiers (single-phase and three-phase, controlled and uncontrolled)
Elementary circuits used for analogue signal processing (amplifiers, oscillators - properties, types), methodology of amplifier design, classes of amplifiers
Feedback and its use in electronics
Basic logic elements (logical operators and their modifications, notation of logical functions, TTL and CMOS gates - properties, characteristics)
Combinational digital circuits (combinational logic circuit design and implementation, minimisation of logical functions, decoder, multiplexer, adder
The subject Electrical & Electronic Equipment II builds on previous courses focused on physics and electrical engineering. The mission of the subject Electronics & Electrical II is to deepen students' knowledge in areas focusing electrotechnically including digital technology with regard to possible applications in the educational sphere.
The findings relate to magnetic and electromagnetic fields, selected digital respectively. hybrid circuits, functions and use of electronic and electrical components, circuits and applications including household appliances, electricity production and distribution, measurement of electrical quantities. Besides the theoretical part of the course includes also an exercise in which students solve examples from the field.