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Introduction to Art Cultura I

Class at Faculty of Education |


Contents (Syllabus): The basic problems of art culture theory, main principles of their evolution. Art and comunication, expresions. Artist - artwork - reality, psychological and social aspects.

Keywords: The artist, artwork, expresion, communiciation, form, language, painting, sculpture, architecture, history and historiography of arts, interpretation.


Annotation: The origin of the culture and the art, present theories and hypothesis ? paleolit, neolit. Biological and cultural antropology. Primary and secondary function of the art in human culture and changes of them since the beginning until now.

Material and spiritual art culture, unity of human mind and world. Material, function and using of creation, relation of utility and aeshetic aspects. Subject, topic and form of the art work. Comparative analyses, vertical and diagonal section throught the expression of art culture in artefacts different hictorical epoch geographical, etnographical and religionistic and thought streams and tendency human culture. Art like ?unconscious history of the humanity? (Adorno), like a code and self-consciousness of human culture. Artistic and visual culture, possibilities, functions and determinants in cultures and civilizations since the beginning until now.