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Basics of nature protection

Class at Faculty of Education |


Nature conservation can be understood in very different ways: legally, philosophically or environmentally.

For bachelor's degree students, it is necessary to become familiar with all potential points of view, both for the needs of pedagogical practice and for possible employment in the state administration, which the students

Pedf UK Prague is not unusual. The legal perspective is represented by knowledge of basic legal norms. That is, the standards of the European Union, especially the Habitats Directive and the Birds Directive, as well as the environmental references in the Constitution of the Czech Republic and Act 114/92 of the collection, on nature protection and related regulations.

The philosophy of conservation requires a shorter historical excursion, beginning with Jean-Jacques Rousseau through Henry David Thoreau to Ernest Thompson Seton.

Environmentalist practice requires both a frontal interpretation and a final suburban excursion (for example, wild horse and bison breeding in Milovice).