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History of the Czech literature I

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Kombinovaná forma studia (OKBC2L108A)

Vyučuje: Jiří Smrčka   12. 3. 2021

Karel Toman: Měsíce (1918)

Jan Čep: vybrané povídky ze sbírky Dvojí domov (1926) a Zeměžluč (1931)   9. 4. 2021

Josef a Karel Čapek: Ze života hmyzu (1922)

Vítězslav Nezval: Edison (1927)

Jaroslav Hašek: Osudy dobrého vojáka Švejka za světové války (1921 - 1923)   7. 5. 2021

Vladislav Vančura: Markéta Lazarová (1931)

František Halas: Dokořán (1936)

Karel Poláček: Okresní město (1936)    


The course acquaints students with the analytical and interpretative way with key literary works of the monitored period. Its aim is to enable students to acquire skills for working with texts and, at the same time, to understand developmental contexts and contextual relationships - in which the texts were created - based on the study of specific texts.