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Laboratory Technique

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Organizace práce, bezpečnost práce v laboratoři, laboratorní zařízení.

Dělení směsí, srážení, dekantace, filtrace.

Krystalizace, chlazení



Extrakce a vytřepávání

Reakce při vyšších teplotách

Odměrná analýza – standardizace odměrného roztoku

Práce s plyny

Tenkovrstvá chromatografie

Vybrané fyzikálně-chemické metody

Předání nádobí, zápočtový test


The subject Laboratory Technique provides an introduction to the practical teaching of chemistry at the Faculty of Education in Charles University. The aim of the course is for students to acquire the basic knowledge and skills needed for laboratory activities in practical exercises in preparation for teaching chemistry.

Students get acquainted with the basic safety regulations in the laboratory and health protection in the chemical laboratory, with commonly used laboratory techniques. The acquired knowledge and skills are needed for follow-up laboratory course in inorganic, organic and analytical chemistry.

The subject Laboratory Technique supports not only the education of basic laboratory course in chemical disciplines, but also advanced exercises in instrumental methods. The condition for completing the course is the elaboration of assigned practical tasks, submission of protocols according to the requirements and the final demonstration of the selected experiment.