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Class at Faculty of Education |

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Geometrie v prostoru, polohové a metrické úlohyTělesa, mnohostěny, Eulerova větaŘezy tělesObjemy a povrchy tělesGeometrická zobrazení v prostoruMnožiny bodů v prostoru


Students are introduced to elementary objects of geometry in space and their properties. Students solve incidence and metric geometry problems, sections of prisms and pyramids, and loci of a given property in space. Affine transformations are defined. The subject aims to introduce students to elementary stereometry, practice correct mathematical formulations, and improve their spatial ability and analogical thinking by solving tasks.

Geometry in space, incidence and metric tasks

Solids, polyhedra, Euler theorem

Sectionc of solids

Volume and area

Geometric transformations in space

Loci of points in space