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Quality of Life and Health in Old Age

Class at Faculty of Education |


1. Aging and old age in an individual and social perspective.

2. Health-related quality of life.

3. Biological, psychological and social aspects of aging.

4. The position of seniors in society, the phenomenon of ageism.

5. Risk senior, health and social issues in old age.

6. Principles of healthy aging, preparation for old age, gerontagogy.

7. Dying and death as a natural part of life.


The content of the course are selected questions of quality of life related to health, focusing on aging and old people. The quality of life is presented here as an essential category for assessing the effectiveness of health and social services, as well as the pedagogical impact on the senior population.

Special attention is paid to selected socio-gerontological and gerontagogic topics so that the possibilities and benefits of upbringing and education for the quality of life of seniors and for intergenerational understanding are outlined.