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Health promotion and first aid

Class at Faculty of Education |


1. Basic terms for health protection.

2. Emergencies. Basic guidelines for the population in the event of an emergency. The most frequent emergencies at school and their solutions.

3. Activity of the Integrated Rescue System.

4. First aid - definition of pre-medical first aid, priorities, rules, goals.

5. Basic examination. Life-saving procedures - guidelines.

6. First aid for stopping bleeding, including wound treatment.

7. Stabilized position. Spinal injuries, fractures, joint injuries.

8. Burns, scalds, electric shocks. Sunstroke, sunburn, frostbite and hypothermia.

9. Collapse and shock states<span style="background-color: transparent;" da


1. Basic terms for health protection.

2. Emergencies. Basic guidelines for the population in the event of an emergency. The most frequent emergencies at school and their solutions.

3. Activity of the Integrated Rescue System.

4. First aid - definition of pre-medical first aid, priorities, rules, goals.

5. Basic examination. Life-saving procedures - guidelines.

6. First aid for stopping bleeding, including wound treatment.

7. Stabilized position. Spinal injuries, fractures, joint injuries.

8. Burns, scalds, electric shocks. Sunstroke, sunburn, frostbite and hypothermia.

9. Collapse and shock states. Insect bites, snake bites, bites.

10. First aid for selected diseases and injuries.

11. Practical training.