2. Seznámení s podmínkami studia na vysoké škole, s povinnostmi a právy studenta, se základními studijními předpisy a
3. Seznámení s podpůrným systémem a možnostmi jeho využívání.
4. Problematika kombinovaného a distančního studia, metodika řízeného samostudia.
1. Presentation of the Faculty of Education of Charles University in Prague.
2. Introduction into bases of studying at the university, rights and responsibilities of students, basic rules and code of conduct.
3. Introduction into the support system and possibilities of using it.
4. Combined and distance education, the methodology of facilitated self-directed education.
1. Presentation of the Faculty of Education of Charles University in Prague.
2. Introduction into bases of studying at the university, rights and responsibilities of students, basic rules and code of conduct.3. Introduction into the support system and possibilities of using it.4. Combined and distance education, the methodology of facilitated self-directed education.
The course introduces first year students into the specifics of combined and distance education as well as into the methodology of studying using these forms of education, including rules concerning the use of online consultation and internet discussions. As part of the methodology of combined study students also learn of the principles of work with distance study materials and textbooks, including the responsibilities of students involved in self-directed learning.
Students also learn of the present state of the Faculty of Education of Charles University and its role in the field of undergraduate and further life-long education of teachers and pedagogical staff.