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Special Educational Practice III.

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Student si volí jeden typ zařízení, kde se plně zapojuje do činností a připravuje si materiál pro vlastní práci s klientem. Následuje reflexe praxe, která umožní propojit prakticky ověřené dovednosti uvést do souvislostí s teoretickým základem metod a forem speciálně pedagogického působení.


The professional practice is focused on consolidating general, professional and special pedagogical, special-pedagogical and psychological knowledge in their application in real situations of the work of a special educator. The compulsory subjects of professional practice are included in all years of the Bachelor's degree programme so that their focus enables the systematic development of the student's competences in the field of special pedagogy.

Emphasis is placed on a gradual increase in the demands on students in practical activities and a close link to the graduate profile. In the third year, in the course of continuous Professional Practice III, students further expand their knowledge by special skills related to the modification of the conditions of educational reality in the context of the complex development of people with disabilities and the application of special pedagogical methods in collective activities.

The aim of the Professional Practice III course is to provide students with a continuous practical experience in selected workplaces, during which they apply their theoretical knowledge and gain new experience of the reality of the profession. Their practical experience is subsequently the subject of joint discussion and personal consultation with the practice supervisor.

Following this course, students carry out reflections on a coherent practice, of which supervision is an important part. Supervision leads students to a deeper understanding of the issues and to the professionalisation of professional activities.