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Presentation Skills

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Hlavní témata předmětu:

Teoretické základy, terminologie, vymezení předmětu

Základní zásady kvalitní prezentace


Problematické situace, tréma

Rozbor prezentačních dovedností založený na videozáznamu

Prezentační dovednosti při různých typech jednání

Sebereflexe, zpětná vazba


The course will equip students with the necessary skills needed to present in a variety of leadership activities in education and training. Students are able to prepare a quality presentation for a variety of purposes and understand and are able to apply basic presentation skills and principles.

Students are able to use presentation technology and appropriate software. They are familiar with current trends and can respond to the changing demands of society.

They are able to communicate key ideas to a wider audience. Participants will understand and be able to work with video as an effective means of personal development. Presenting in front of a video camera and working with this footage is an integral part of the seminar.