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Introduction to ecology and environment conservation

Class at Faculty of Education |


Contains three logical on successive units: 1) fundamentals of ecology, 2) introduction to environmental issues, and 3) introduction to the application of this knowledge into practice (cross-cutting topics of environmental education and its position in the Czech school law - RVP ZV).

The contents of individual blocks 1) foundations of Ecology: biotic and abiotic factors, ž.p., The water cykle and the others cyklus, energy cascade, ecosystem, Division of ecosystems, landmarks, key types, balance, ecological niche, competition strategy, Antelope of the world, adaptation to environmental conditions, disturbance, ecological succession. 2) introduction to environmental problems: environment (the size of the human population, migration and the transfer of species, descent of biodiversity, pollution, climate change, alienation from nature), sustainable life-what you can do to an individual or organization, the history of the green movement in the world, Government, and the uper-goverment strategy, and documents. 3) introduction to environmental education: RVP ZV, and how to cross-cutting topic environmental education (EE) to each subject or subjects, history of EE in the Czech Republic, methods, and inspiration, environmental sensitivity, stay in the countryside, experience pedagogy.


Biotic and abiotic factors, water circulation, N, C, K, etc. circulations, energy cascade, ecosystem, classification of ecosystems, dominate creatures, key species, ecological equilibrium, ecological niche, world biomes, environmental adaptation, disturbance, pollution, climate changes, sustainable live and development, government and un- government environmental strategies and organizations. Environmental education in Czech curriculum, consent, methods and concepts of environmental education, environmental sensitivity, outdoor, experience pedagogy.